Dr. Suzanne Woomer
Naturopathic Physician, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Licensed Acupuncturist

United Healthcare
VA Community Health
In-network with:
Husky / Medicaid

Assessing the root cause of dis-ease

Dr. Woomer in the office

Meet Dr. Woomer

Come to me with your health goals and we’ll work together to help you meet them!
Dr. Woomer is a Naturopathic Physician, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Licensed Acupuncturist. She received a Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry & Biology

Her personal health history enables her to understand the perspective of the patient and that of the doctor

She values the patient-physician relationship as a team. She seeks to determine the underlying root cause of symptom manifestation
Dr. Woomer in the office

Meet Lisa Breton

Lisa Breton is an acupuncturist and Bowen therapist She has worked in the rehabilitation field for over 20 years. She has a Masters degree from University of Bridgeport in Traditional Chinese Medicine. As well as Prior degrees from UCONN and Naugatuck Valley Community College. She was trained in Bowen therapy in 2002.
She is a caring practitioner who is invested in your health and wellness journey.
The body possesses an innate ability to heal itself, after removing obstacles of cure. The body, if given the right internal and external stimuli, can achieve homeostasis or health
This is what sets naturopaths apart from conventional medicine. We seek to understand the root cause of illness, merely than just treating the symptoms
We start with the least invasive treatments to correct the imbalance. This usually involves lab testing, dietary counseling, life style changes, and exercise
Healing Power of Nature
Identify & Treat the Cause
First Do No Harm

6 Core Principles of Naturopathy

Life choices will contribute to health or dis-ease within the body. This is important for patients to understand
If you are not sleeping properly, there could be problems with digestion, mood regulation, fatigue, etc
We also seek to prevent disease before it starts. If there is a predisposition to certain illness within your family, we can curb the disease process before it begins
Treat the Whole Person
Doctor As Teacher
Healthcare Online
My approach to care is all about breaking down the walls of an office and supporting your health wherever you are

Save Time
Healthcare Online

Naturopathic Appointments

You can expect to leave the appointment with educational handouts, dietary/lifestyle counseling, botanical medicine, supplements, and/or homeopathic recommendations

**If you do not see an available appointment time, please call the office as the online scheduling will only allow certain appointment times to be scheduled.
  • Initial Naturopathic
    Сomprehensive intake focusing on patient's chief complaints, review of past medical history, family medical history, surgeries, and medication/supplement usage. Typically range between 1 hour to 1.5 hours
  • Follow Up Naturopathic
    During this appointment we will review your progress or lab results if necessary. This will guide us to the root cause of dis-ease. Typically range between 45 minutes to 1 hour
  • Compatible With Televisits
    My approach to care is all about breaking down the walls of an office and supporting your health wherever you are
    Dr W has done miracles for me. I have been so well and healthy since seeing her and doing everything she has said, as well as taking all the natural remedies ( vitamins, diet, acupuncture). I will not say I am "cured" but I will say I have never felt this good in all my 50+ years 💗
    I highly recommend and have recommended Dr W to all

  • ANNA
    Dr. Woomer has consistently helped elevate my chronic migraine pain to essentially a minimum through her work. I have always felt extremely comfortable and left feeling calm and relaxed. Being afraid of needles, I was very reluctant to try accpunture but am beyond thankful I did

    She is always very accommodating of my work schedule and need of last minute appointments. Highly recommend!

    Dr. Woomer has been treating me for a little over a year for stomach issues and psoriatic arthritis. Overall, I feel as though my health has completed a 180 since seeing Dr. Woomer

    My stomach issues have subsided dramatically and overall inflammation is down. Her treatment plan was perfect for me and easily manageable. I feel better than I have in a long time thanks to her


Keep in mind the needles are very very thin, about the same diameter as a piece of hair
Has been practiced for over thousands of years, and is based on the premise that qi, also known as energy, circulates throughout the meridians of the body. When the qi is circulating properly, wellness ensues
However, if energy becomes stagnant, illness can result. This can manifest as pain, weakness, numbness/tingling, edema, headaches, anxiety, digestive complaints, etc.
A common question is, does acupuncture hurt? The quick answer is no, it can cause a pricking sensation upon needle insertion, however, afterwards the most sensation you may experience is a dull ache/throbbing sensation
Improves blood circulation and heart activity
It has a tonic and relaxing effect
Relieves muscle tension, contributes to the disappearance of edema
Improves fertility rates
Improves immunity and performance
Improves sleep and helps to eliminate nervous disorders
Helps with migraines and dizziness
Normalizes the hormonal background and equalizes mood swings
Hover your mouse on "i" buttons to get info about positive features of apucunture
Hover your mouse

Acupuncture Appointments

Analysis of the tongue and pulse can provide information on the patient's overall health. Acupuncture will be performed with the patient supine (face up) or prone (face down) based on the patient's chief complaint
  • Initial Acupuncture
    There will be a comprehensive intake focusing on 10 Questions - Preference of hot or cold, sleep, diet and digestion, perspiration, urination and bowel movements, thirst, mental/emotional state, and/or gynecological questioning - 45 minutes to 1 hour in length
  • Follow Up Acupuncture
    The techniques utilized will be individually based. Treatments may entail supine (face up) and prone (face down) procedures during treatment - typically 30 minutes to 1 hour in length

    Other treatments could entail e-stim (electrical stimulation) on the needles, or cupping. Tai chi exercises may also be recommended


    I started seeing Dr Suzanne March 2019; I went looking to get more natural remedies for my asthma and thyroid issues. I was getting asthmatic bronchitis every 6-8 weeks for 2 years and was very tired and aggravated with the medications that I was being put on, especially prednisone

    Dr W has done miracles for me. I have been so well and healthy since seeing her and doing everything she has said, as well as taking all the natural remedies ( vitamins, diet, acupuncture). I will not say I am "cured" but I will say I have never felt this good in all my 50+ years 💗
    I highly recommend and have recommended Dr W to all

  • ANNA
    Dr. Woomer has consistently helped alleviate my chronic migraine pain to essentially a minimum through her work. I have always felt extremely comfortable and left feeling calm and relaxed. Being afraid of needles, I was very reluctant to try accpunture but am beyond thankful I did

    She is always very accommodating of my work schedule and need of last minute appointments. Highly recommend!

    Acupuncture was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I was hesitant to try it again because my original experience was less than welcoming, but Dr. Woomer came highly recommended and I am so happy that I met her

    She offers a safe space to communicate my health concerns in a calming environment. She has provided me with sound medical advice and helped me overcome many obstacles. Dr. Woomer has helped me with migraines, joint pain, and morning sickness. I strongly recommend her!

    I've been receiving acupuncture treatments from Dr. Woomer to help with digestion, stress and migraine relief. I never feel rushed in or out of session. I always feel like I have Dr. Woomer's undivided attention during my treatment and she is very familiar with my case. I am not just a "number"

    I find the process to be very calming and I am always extremely relaxed during and after each treatment. Dr. Woomer has also done lots of research on my behalf and provided me with helpful information. She is very knowledgeable and I would highly recommend her!
    Dr. Woomer has been treating me for a little over a year for stomach issues and psoriatic arthritis. Overall, I feel as though my health has completed a 180 since seeing Dr. Woomer

    My stomach issues have subsided dramatically and overall inflammation is down. Her treatment plan was perfect for me and easily manageable. I feel better than I have in a long time thanks to her
    Thank you for all you have done to help me. From the way I felt when I started coming here until now is like a night and day difference. You truly are an angel and an amazing doctor

    I am so thankful for all your help. I haven't felt this good well....ever! Your advice was always spot on and you have such a calming nature. I'm 48 and feeling great and I have you to thank
Supplements, Herbs & Organic Teas
Organic Green Tea loose leaf or matcha
Organic Teas
Herbs/Supplements can be purchased from the following links as recommended:
Contact Us
p. 203-442-6297
fax: 833-520-5011
117 River Street Unit B Milford, CT 06460

88 Noble Avenue Suite 102 Milford, CT 06460.

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